Detaljer om filendelse .acd
På denne side skal vi se nærmere på filtypen .acd.
Vi forklarer, hvad et .acd-filformat helt præcist er, og hvordan du kan bruge det. Hvis du er interesseret i at lære flere detaljer om denne filtype, viser vi dig, hvor du kan finde dem. Og hvis du nogensinde får brug for at konvertere .acd-filer til andre formater, giver vi dig også nogle tips til, hvordan du gør det.
Lad os se de 12 filformater, der er forbundet med denne filtype!
- Sony ACID Pro Project
- Esko ArtiosCAD Canvas Data
- NASCAR Racing 2002 Arcade Car Setup
- RSLogix 5000 Program
- Alan IF Adventure Code
- allCLEAR Flowcharter Data
- Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Tracks Data
- MODTRAN ACD Spectral Output File
- Chromeleon Channel Raw Data
- Chromeleon Control Panel
- Chromeleon Audit Trail Data
- Chromeleon Generic Driver Configuration
Vi håber, at vores hjemmeside vil give dig værdifuld information. Hvis du har spørgsmål, så spørg bare!
Sony ACID Pro Project
The ACD file belongs to the Project category and works with Sony ACID Pro, being used as a Sony ACID Pro Project. Sony ACID Pro is the name of the loop-based music production software originally published by Sonic Foundry that is now owned and run by Sony. The developer is still actively supporting the Sony ACID Pro, likely. Our data shows that Sony ACID Pro uses 2 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.sds MIDI Sample Dump Standard
.ssf Bioware Aurora Sound Set File
Esko ArtiosCAD Canvas Data
The ACD file belongs to the Data category and works with Esko ArtiosCAD, being used as an Esko ArtiosCAD Canvas Data. ArtiosCAD is a software program dedicated to the design of folded packaging, mainly corrugated boxes and folding carton. The developer is still actively supporting the Esko ArtiosCAD, likely. According to our data, Esko ArtiosCAD uses one more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.grq Esko Automation Engine QuickStep Layout
.imp Esko FastImpose Imposition Data
NASCAR Racing 2002 Arcade Car Setup
The ACD file belongs to the Game Data category and works with NASCAR Racing 2002 Season, being used as a NASCAR Racing 2002 Arcade Car Setup. NASCAR Racing 2002 Season is a racing video game developed by Papyrus. The developer is still actively supporting the NASCAR Racing 2002 Season, likely. Our data shows that NASCAR Racing 2002 Season uses 3 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.cam NASCAR Racing 2002 Camera Settings Data
.lp NASCAR Racing 2002 Track Configuration Data
RSLogix 5000 Program
The ACD file belongs to the Data category and works with RSLogix 5000, being used as an RSLogix 5000 Program. RSLogix 5000 is a design and configuration software for Logix for the Logix5000 family of controllers. Logix is a common architecture and software package underlying all of the newest con- trollers from Rockwell Automation. The developer is still actively supporting the RSLogix 5000, likely. Our data shows that RSLogix 5000 uses 4 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.rss RSLogix 5000 Program Data
.l5k RSLogix 5000 Project Export Data
Alan IF Adventure Code
The ACD file belongs to the Game Data category and works with Alan IF, being used as an Alan IF Adventure Code. Alan is a tool for creating works of Interactive Fiction, a.k.a text adventures. It is easy to use. It's focus has always been on the authoring aspects. The developer is still actively supporting the Alan IF, likely. Our data shows that Alan IF uses 5 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.dat Alan IF Adventure Data
.a3c Alan v3 Adventure Code
allCLEAR Flowcharter Data
The ACD file belongs to the Data category and works with allCLEAR Flowcharter, being used as an allCLEAR Flowcharter Data. AllClear Flowcharter allows you to easily document your business processes. The developer no longer updates allCLEAR Flowcharter and does not provide support anymore. Based on our current information, allCLEAR Flowcharter does not use other file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.fml Advansys Portable Message Format Data
.etl Active Media Eclipse Transition Listing
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Tracks Data
The ACD file belongs to the Data category and works with Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, being used as an Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Tracks Data. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical is a general calculation code using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The developer is still actively supporting the Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, likely. Our data shows that Autodesk Simulation Mechanical uses 25 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.ado Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Displacement Results Data
.frd Autodesk Simulation Mechanical DDAM Frequency Data
MODTRAN ACD Spectral Output File
The ACD file belongs to the Data category and works with MODTRAN, being used as a MODTRAN ACD Spectral Output File. MODTRAN (MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission) is a program designed to model atmospheric propagation of electromagnetic radiation for the 0.2 to 100 um spectral range. ACD file is a MODTRAN spectral output file containing data used to atmospherically correct down-looking spectral imagery data. The developer is still actively supporting the MODTRAN, likely. Our data shows that MODTRAN uses 10 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
Relaterede filendelser:
.chn MODTRAN CHN Output File
.flx MODTRAN FLX Output File
Chromeleon Channel Raw Data
The CHL file belongs to the Data category and works with Chromeleon, being used as a Chromeleon Channel Raw Data. Chromeleon is a Chromatography Data System that allows you to control chromatography instruments and evaluate, process, report, and backup data. The developer is still actively supporting the Chromeleon, likely. Our data shows that Chromeleon uses 11 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
acd, dad
Relaterede filendelser:
.gen Chromeleon Generic Driver Configuration
Chromeleon Control Panel
The PAN file belongs to the Data category and works with Chromeleon, being used as a Chromeleon Control Panel. Chromeleon is a Chromatography Data System that allows you to control chromatography instruments and evaluate, process, report, and backup data. The developer is still actively supporting the Chromeleon, likely. Our data shows that Chromeleon uses 11 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
acd, dad
Relaterede filendelser:
.cmb Chromeleon Backup Archive
.chl Chromeleon Channel Raw Data
Chromeleon Audit Trail Data
The SLG file belongs to the Data category and works with Chromeleon, being used as a Chromeleon Audit Trail Data. Chromeleon is a Chromatography Data System that allows you to control chromatography instruments and evaluate, process, report, and backup data. The developer is still actively supporting the Chromeleon, likely. Our data shows that Chromeleon uses 11 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
acd, dad
Relaterede filendelser:
.cdd Chromeleon Device Driver
Chromeleon Generic Driver Configuration
The GEN file belongs to the Data category and works with Chromeleon, being used as a Chromeleon Generic Driver Configuration. Chromeleon is a Chromatography Data System that allows you to control chromatography instruments and evaluate, process, report, and backup data. The developer is still actively supporting the Chromeleon, likely. Our data shows that Chromeleon uses 11 more file types.
Programnavn: -
MIME-type: application/octet-stream
acd, dad
Relaterede filendelser:
.pan Chromeleon Control Panel
Filendelsen .acd hører måske ikke kun til en enkelt filtype, der kan være forskellige typer, der bruger den. Husk, at filer med .acd-udvidelsen kan indeholde forskellige indholdstyper. Hvis du har nyttige oplysninger om denne udvidelse, så skriv til os!
Kan nogen have stavet filtypen .acd forkert?
I vores database stødte vi på følgende lignende udvidelser:
.afd Alphacam Flame Drawing
.acw Accessibility Wizard Settings
.ad After Dark Screensaver
Endelsen .acd bliver ofte misbrugt
Folk forveksler nogle gange filtypenavnet .acd. Baseret på søgninger på vores hjemmeside er her de mest almindelige stavefejl fra det seneste år.
xcd (1), ac (1), afd (1), acw (1), adc (1), ad (1), add (1), acx (1), qcd (1), wcd (1)
Har du problemer med at åbne en .acd-fil?
Hvis du vil åbne en .acd-fil på din computer, skal du bare have det relevante program installeret. Forkerte indstillinger for .acd-tilknytningen kan udløse denne fejl.
Windows kan ikke åbne denne fil:
File: eksempel.acd
For at åbne denne fil, Windows brug for at vide, hvilket program, du vil bruge til at åbne den. Windows kan gå online for at slå det op automatisk, eller du kan manuelt vælge fra en liste over programmer, der er installeret på din computer.
Sådan ændrer fil foreninger:
- Højreklik på en fil med filtypenavnet hvis association, du vil ændre, og klik derefter på Åbn med.
- I dialogboksen Åbn med skal du klikke på det program, som du vil åbne filen med, eller klikke på Browse for at finde det ønskede program.
- Vælg den Brug altid det valgte program til at åbne denne type fil afkrydsningsfeltet.
Understøttede operativsystemer
Windows Server 2016/2019/2022, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, Mac OS X, macOS, iOS, Android